Session 1: Kicking off the Adventure
“When did it begin to matter for you…” Unveiling our Personal Paths to Filipina Pride💛
Hosted by Krystl Fabella & Kat Parsons (COO)
Welcome, icebreaker
Getting know the new world of the Filipina Soul Sisterhood, its members, instructors, what growth you can expect!💖
Krystl will lead in a Grounding Meditation & Breath work
Quick History Share of Favorite Filipina Revolutionary- Importance of knowing HERstory
Breakout Groups, discussing:
Share your story, of "When did it begin to matter... to know what being Filipina meant to you." When did it begin to matter, on a personal level, its importance, to start your discovery journey, knowing where you come from, knowing more about heritage and history, knowing why you should have confidence and what being Filipino meant. What was a wake up call or major moment it clicked?
Why are you not ready to let this part of you go
What has been revealed to you in the discovery?
Come together and share
Show you the "5 Houses of the Sisterhood!" 👑
Reveal next topics, experts and workshops, close, member mingle